Resting Satyr


Resting Satyr
Modern plaster replica of a marble statue in the Capitoline Museums, Rome. Also known as the Capitoline Faun. The statue in Rome is a copy of a Greek original of the late 4th century BCE by a sculptor working in the style of Praxiteles. Satyrs were followers of Dionysus (Bacchus), spirited and lusty, with pointed donkey ears and tail indicating their strong animal instincts. With its playful mood and soft, sinuous S-curved stance in the Praxitelean manner, the piece was much favored by the Romans for their homes and gardens and over 100 copies are extant.
Haskell, F. and N. Penny. Taste and the Antique. Lure of Classical Sculpture 1500-1900 (New Haven and London 1981), pp. 209-210, cat. 36.

Jones, S. The Sculpture of the Museo Capitolino. The British School at Rome (Oxford 1912), pp. 350-351.

Smith, R.R.R. Hellenistic Sculpture (London 2001) pp. 12-31.