Attic Kylix


Attic Kylix
Inventory Number
Date Acquired
T. Fallani, Rome.
From Date
To Date
Kylix by Sabouroff Ptr, v. Oakley letter in file. Decorated w scenes fr palaestra w palmettes under handles; interior of handles & adjacent body, edge of foot & int of stem reserved. Tondo defined by discontinuous maeander w reserved exerque: Youth at l seated on altar facing r, swathed in himation which pulled over head on which added red fillet; at r standing youth in 3/4 view fr rear, r hand on hip, leans toward first, resting on smooth staff under l arm; wreath in added red. Side A: Presentation of fillet to lyre-player; fr l to r: youth w fillet in added red in himation leaning r w staff under l arm & holding fillet in added red toward lyre-player swathed in himation, who sits on altar facing r holding lyre upright and wreath in added red; to r of lyre player frontal youth in himation pulled over l shoulder leaving chest bare, r arm bent w hand on hip and w staff under l arm, face in profile to l, wreath in added red, feet crossed at ankles; at l another youth in himation, 3/4 view fr back, leaning in on staff under l arm toward center, w r arm bent & hand on hip, face in profile to l w wreath roughly incised, possible modern; on background aryballoi, strigils and one wooden cross; K A L O S in added red between figures 1 and 4. Side B: Four youths in conversation fr l to r: frontal youth holding staff w curved top in r hand, r arm bent under himation, face in profile to r, wreath in added red; youth swathed in himation seated on altar facing r w arms bent holding bent r knee, all under himation; youth in 3/4 view fr rear leaning l w arm bent & hand on hip, leaning on staff under l arm, face in profile to l, fillet in added red; frontal youth with arms swathed in himation, r raised, left bent to hip, face in profile to l; on backgrd aryballoi, flute cases, strigils.
State of Preservation
Mended fr some 20 fragments w 7 major losses.
10 cm
Base Diameter
10.8 cm
31 cm
Clay body 5YR 6/6 (reddish yellow); glaze 2.5YR 2.1/1 (black).
SMA file photos. Slide Coll.
fired clay